# =================================== # List Behavior Config # =================================== # Model List Column configuration list: $/zoomyboy/event/models/participant/columns.yaml # Model Class name modelClass: Zoomyboy\Event\Models\Participant # List Title title: Manage Participants # Link URL for each record recordUrl: zoomyboy/event/participant/update/:id # Message to display if the list is empty noRecordsMessage: backend::lang.list.no_records # Records to display per page recordsPerPage: 20 # Options to provide the user when selecting how many records to display per page perPageOptions: [20, 40, 80, 100, 120] # Display page numbers with pagination, disable to improve performance showPageNumbers: true # Displays the list column set up button showSetup: true # Displays the sorting link on each column showSorting: true # Default sorting column # defaultSort: # column: created_at # direction: desc # Display checkboxes next to each record showCheckboxes: true # Toolbar widget configuration toolbar: # Partial for toolbar buttons buttons: list_toolbar # Search widget configuration search: prompt: backend::lang.list.search_prompt