'name']; /** * @var array Guarded fields */ protected $guarded = ['*']; /** * @var array Fillable fields */ protected $fillable = []; /** * @var array Validation rules for attributes */ public $rules = []; /** * @var array Attributes to be cast to native types */ protected $casts = []; /** * @var array Attributes to be cast to JSON */ protected $jsonable = []; /** * @var array Attributes to be appended to the API representation of the model (ex. toArray()) */ protected $appends = []; /** * @var array Attributes to be removed from the API representation of the model (ex. toArray()) */ protected $hidden = []; /** * @var array Attributes to be cast to Argon (Carbon) instances */ protected $dates = [ 'created_at', 'updated_at', ]; /** * @var array Relations */ public $hasOne = []; public $hasMany = []; public $hasOneThrough = []; public $hasManyThrough = []; public $belongsTo = []; public $belongsToMany = []; public $morphTo = []; public $morphOne = []; public $morphMany = []; public $attachOne = []; public $attachMany = []; public static function getOptions() { return static::pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); } public function loadConfig($v) { $file = $this->slug.'.json'; throw_unless(Jsonfile::find($file), Exception::class, 'Datei '.$file.' nicht gefunden.'); return Jsonfile::find($file)->getVar($v); } }