* @method self name(string $name) * @method self from(string $from) * @method self to(string $to) * @method self excerpt(string $excerpt) * @method self description(string $description) */ class FormFactory extends Factory { /** * The name of the factory's corresponding model. * * @var class-string
*/ protected $model = Form::class; /** * Define the model's default state. * * @return array */ public function definition() { return [ 'name' => $this->faker->words(4, true), 'description' => $this->faker->text(), 'excerpt' => $this->faker->words(10, true), 'config' => ['sections' => []], 'from' => $this->faker->dateTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'to' => $this->faker->dateTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'registration_from' => $this->faker->dateTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'registration_until' => $this->faker->dateTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'mail_top' => $this->faker->text(), 'mail_bottom' => $this->faker->text(), ]; } /** * @param array $sections */ public function sections(array $sections): self { return $this->state(['config' => ['sections' => $sections]]); } /** * @param mixed $args */ public function __call($method, $parameters): self { return $this->state([str($method)->snake()->toString() => $parameters[0]]); } }