<?php namespace Tests; use App\Group; use App\Member\Member; use App\Setting\NamiSettings; use App\User; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase; use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; use Illuminate\Testing\AssertableJsonString; use Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse; use Phake; use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert; use Tests\Lib\MakesHttpCalls; use Tests\Lib\TestsInertia; use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Authentication\Auth; use Zoomyboy\TableDocument\TestsExcelDocuments; abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase { use CreatesApplication; use TestsInertia; use MakesHttpCalls; use TestsExcelDocuments; protected User $me; public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); Auth::fake(); Member::disableGeolocation(); $this->initInertiaTestcase(); } public function loginNami(int $mglnr = 12345, string $password = 'password', int|Group $groupId = 55): static { Auth::success($mglnr, $password); $group = is_int($groupId) ? Group::factory()->create(['nami_id' => $groupId]) : $groupId; $this->withNamiSettings($mglnr, $password, $group->nami_id); return $this; } public function withNamiSettings(int $mglnr = 12345, string $password = 'password', int $groupId = 55): self { NamiSettings::fake([ 'mglnr' => $mglnr, 'password' => $password, 'default_group_id' => $groupId, ]); return $this; } public function login(): static { $this->be($user = User::factory()->create()); $this->me = $user; return $this; } public function init(): self { Member::factory()->defaults()->create(); return $this; } /** * @param array<string, string> $errors */ public function assertErrors(array $errors, TestResponse $response): self { $response->assertSessionHas('errors'); $this->assertInstanceOf(RedirectResponse::class, $response->baseResponse); /** @var RedirectResponse */ $response = $response; $sessionErrors = $response->getSession()->get('errors')->getBag('default'); foreach ($errors as $key => $value) { $this->assertTrue($sessionErrors->has($key), "Cannot find key {$key} in errors '" . print_r($sessionErrors, true)); $this->assertEquals($value, $sessionErrors->get($key)[0], "Failed to validate value for session error key {$key}. Actual value: " . print_r($sessionErrors, true)); } return $this; } /** * @template M of object * @param class-string<M> $class */ public function stubIo(string $class, callable $mocker): self { $mock = Phake::mock($class); $mocker($mock); app()->instance($class, $mock); return $this; } public function fakeAllHttp(): self { Http::fake(['*' => Http::response('', 200)]); return $this; } public function initInertiaTestcase(): void { TestResponse::macro('assertInertiaPath', function ($path, $value) { /** @var TestResponse */ $response = $this; $props = data_get($response->viewData('page'), 'props'); Assert::assertNotNull($props); $json = new AssertableJsonString($props); $json->assertPath($path, $value); return $this; }); TestResponse::macro('assertInertiaCount', function ($path, $count) { /** @var TestResponse */ $response = $this; $props = data_get($response->viewData('page'), 'props'); Assert::assertNotNull($props); $json = new AssertableJsonString($props); $json->assertCount($count, $path); return $this; }); TestResponse::macro('assertComponent', function (string $component) { /** @var TestResponse */ $response = $this; Assert::assertEquals($component, data_get($response->viewData('page'), 'component')); return $this; }); TestResponse::macro('assertPdfPageCount', function (int $count) { /** @var TestResponse */ $response = $this; $file = $response->getFile(); Assert::assertTrue(file_exists($file->getPathname())); exec('pdfinfo ' . escapeshellarg($file->getPathname()) . ' | grep ^Pages | sed "s/Pages:\s*//"', $output, $returnVar); Assert::assertSame(0, $returnVar, 'Failed to get Pages of PDF File ' . $file->getPathname()); Assert::assertCount(1, $output, 'Failed to parse output format of pdfinfo'); Assert::assertEquals($count, $output[0]); return $this; }); TestResponse::macro('assertPdfName', function (string $filename) { /** @var TestResponse */ $response = $this; Assert::assertEquals($filename, $response->getFile()->getFilename()); return $this; }); TestResponse::macro('assertHasJsonPath', function (string $path) { /** @var TestResponse */ $response = $this; Assert::assertTrue(Arr::has($response->json(), $path), 'Failed that key ' . $path . ' is in Response.'); return $this; }); } }