<?php namespace App\Member; use App\Confession; use App\Country; use App\Course\Models\CourseMember; use App\Gender; use App\Group; use App\Invoice\BillKind; use App\Invoice\Models\InvoicePosition; use App\Nami\HasNamiField; use App\Nationality; use App\Payment\Subscription; use App\Pdf\Sender; use App\Region; use App\Setting\NamiSettings; use Carbon\Carbon; use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany; use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable; use Laravel\Scout\Attributes\SearchUsingFullText; use Laravel\Scout\Searchable; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard; use Sabre\VObject\Reader; use Spatie\LaravelData\Lazy; use Zoomyboy\Osm\Address; use Zoomyboy\Osm\Coordinate; use Zoomyboy\Osm\Geolocatable; use Zoomyboy\Osm\HasGeolocation; use Zoomyboy\Phone\HasPhoneNumbers; /** * @property string $subscription_name * @property int $pending_payment */ class Member extends Model implements Geolocatable { use Notifiable; use HasNamiField; use HasFactory; use Sluggable; use Searchable; use HasPhoneNumbers; use HasGeolocation; /** * @var array<string, string> */ public $guarded = []; /** * @var array<int, string> */ public static array $namiFields = ['firstname', 'lastname', 'joined_at', 'birthday', 'send_newspaper', 'address', 'zip', 'location', 'nickname', 'other_country', 'further_address', 'main_phone', 'mobile_phone', 'work_phone', 'fax', 'email', 'email_parents', 'gender_id', 'confession_id', 'region_id', 'country_id', 'fee_id', 'nationality_id', 'slug', 'lat', 'lon']; /** * @var array<int, string> */ public $dates = ['try_created_at', 'recertified_at', 'joined_at', 'birthday', 'efz', 'ps_at', 'more_ps_at', 'without_education_at', 'without_efz_at']; /** * @var array<string, string> */ public $casts = [ 'pending_payment' => 'integer', 'send_newspaper' => 'boolean', 'gender_id' => 'integer', 'way_id' => 'integer', 'country_id' => 'integer', 'region_id' => 'integer', 'confession_id' => 'integer', 'nami_id' => 'integer', 'has_svk' => 'boolean', 'has_vk' => 'boolean', 'multiply_pv' => 'boolean', 'multiply_more_pv' => 'boolean', 'is_leader' => 'boolean', 'bill_kind' => BillKind::class, 'mitgliedsnr' => 'integer', ]; /** * @return array<int, string> */ public function phoneNumbers(): array { return ['main_phone', 'mobile_phone', 'work_phone', 'children_phone', 'fax']; } /** * @return array<string, array{source: array<int, string>}> */ public function sluggable(): array { return [ 'slug' => ['source' => ['firstname', 'lastname']], ]; } // ---------------------------------- Actions ---------------------------------- public function syncVersion(): void { $version = app(NamiSettings::class)->login()->member($this->group->nami_id, $this->nami_id)->version; $this->update(['version' => $version]); } // ----------------------------------- Getters ----------------------------------- public function getFullnameAttribute(): string { return $this->firstname . ' ' . $this->lastname; } public function getPreferredPhoneAttribute(): ?string { if ($this->mobile_phone) { return $this->mobile_phone; } if ($this->main_phone) { return $this->main_phone; } return null; } public function getPreferredEmailAttribute(): ?string { if ($this->email) { return $this->email; } if ($this->email_parents) { return $this->email_parents; } return null; } public function getEtagAttribute(): string { return $this->updated_at->timestamp . '_' . $this->version; } public function getFullAddressAttribute(): string { return $this->address && $this->zip && $this->location ? $this->address . ', ' . $this->zip . ' ' . $this->location : ''; } public function getEfzLink(): ?string { return $this->address && $this->zip && $this->location && $this->birthday ? route('efz', ['member' => $this]) : null; } public function getNamiFeeId(): ?int { if (!$this->subscription) { return null; } return $this->subscription->fee->nami_id; } public function isLeader(): bool { return $this->leaderMemberships->count() > 0; } public function getAge(): ?int { return $this->birthday?->diffInYears(now()); } protected function getAusstand(): int { return (int) $this->invoicePositions()->whereHas('invoice', fn ($query) => $query->whereNeedsPayment())->sum('price'); } // ---------------------------------- Relations ---------------------------------- /** * @return BelongsTo<Country, self> */ public function country(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Country::class); } /** * @return BelongsTo<Gender, self> */ public function gender(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Gender::class); } /** * @return BelongsTo<Region, self> */ public function region(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Region::class)->withDefault([ 'name' => '-- kein --', 'nami_id' => null, ]); } /** * @return HasMany<InvoicePosition> */ public function invoicePositions(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(InvoicePosition::class); } /** * @return BelongsTo<Confession, self> */ public function confession(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Confession::class); } /** * @return BelongsTo<Nationality, self> */ public function nationality(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Nationality::class); } /** * @return BelongsTo<Subscription, self> */ public function subscription(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Subscription::class); } /** * @return BelongsTo<Group, self> */ public function group(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(Group::class); } /** * @return HasMany<CourseMember> */ public function courses(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(CourseMember::class); } /** * @return HasMany<Membership> */ public function memberships(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(Membership::class); } /** * @return HasMany<Membership> */ public function leaderMemberships(): HasMany { return $this->ageGroupMemberships()->isLeader()->active(); } /** * @return HasMany<Membership> */ public function ageGroupMemberships(): HasMany { return $this->memberships()->isAgeGroup()->active(); } public static function booted() { static::deleting(function (self $model): void { $model->memberships->each->delete(); $model->courses->each->delete(); $model->invoicePositions->each(function ($position) { $position->delete(); }); }); } // ---------------------------------- Scopes ----------------------------------- /** * @param Builder<self> $query * * @return Builder<self> */ public function scopeOrdered(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->orderByRaw('lastname, firstname'); } /** * @param Builder<self> $query * * @return Builder<self> */ public function scopeWithPendingPayment(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->addSelect([ 'pending_payment' => InvoicePosition::selectRaw('SUM(price)') ->whereColumn('invoice_positions.member_id', 'members.id') ->whereHas('invoice', fn ($query) => $query->whereNeedsPayment()), ]); } /** * @param Builder<self> $query * * @return Builder<self> */ public function scopeWhereHasPendingPayment(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->whereHas('invoicePositions', fn ($q) => $q->whereHas('invoice', fn ($q) => $q->whereNeedsPayment())); } /** * @param Builder<self> $query * * @return Builder<self> */ public function scopePayable(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->where('bill_kind', '!=', null)->where('subscription_id', '!=', null); } /** * @param Builder<self> $query * * @return Builder<self> */ public function scopeForDashboard(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->selectRaw('SUM(id)'); } /** * @param Builder<self> $query * * @return Builder<self> */ public function scopeWhereCurrentGroup(Builder $query): Builder { $group = app(NamiSettings::class)->localGroup(); if (!$group) { return $query; } return $query->where('group_id', $group->id); } public static function fromVcard(string $url, string $data): static { $settings = app(NamiSettings::class); $card = Reader::read($data); [$lastname, $firstname] = $card->N->getParts(); [$deprecated1, $deprecated2, $address, $location, $region, $zip, $country] = $card->ADR->getParts(); return new static([ 'joined_at' => now(), 'send_newspaper' => false, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'birthday' => Carbon::createFromFormat('Ymd', $card->BDAY->getValue()), 'slug' => pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_FILENAME), 'address' => $address, 'zip' => $zip, 'location' => $location, 'group_id' => $settings->default_group_id, 'nationality_id' => Nationality::firstWhere('name', 'deutsch')->id, 'subscription_id' => Subscription::firstWhere('name', 'Voll')->id, ]); } public function toVcard(): Vcard { $card = new VCard([ 'VERSION' => '3.0', 'FN' => $this->fullname, 'N' => [$this->lastname, $this->firstname, '', '', ''], 'CATEGORIES' => 'Scoutrobot', 'UID' => $this->slug, ]); if ($this->birthday) { $card->add('BDAY', $this->birthday->format('Ymd')); } if ($this->main_phone) { $card->add('TEL', $this->main_phone, ['type' => 'voice']); } if ($this->mobile_phone) { $card->add('TEL', $this->mobile_phone, ['type' => 'work']); } if ($this->children_phone) { $card->add('TEL', $this->children_phone, ['type' => 'cell']); } if ($this->email) { $card->add('EMAIL', $this->email, ['type' => 'internet']); } if ($this->email_parents) { $card->add('EMAIL', $this->email_parents, ['type' => 'aol']); } $card->add('ADR', [ '', '', $this->address ?: '', $this->location ?: '', $this->region?->name ?: '', $this->zip ?: '', $this->country?->name ?: '', ]); return $card; } public function toSender(): Sender { return Sender::from([ 'name' => $this->fullname, 'address' => $this->address, 'zipLocation' => $this->zip . ' ' . $this->location, 'mglnr' => Lazy::create(fn () => 'Mglnr.: ' . $this->nami_id), ]); } /** * @return array<int, array{id: int, name: string}> */ public static function forSelect(): array { return static::select(['id', 'firstname', 'lastname'])->get()->map(fn ($member) => ['id' => $member->id, 'name' => $member->fullname])->toArray(); } // -------------------------------- Geolocation -------------------------------- // ***************************************************************************** public function fillCoordinate(Coordinate $coordinate): void { $this->updateQuietly(['lat' => $coordinate->lat, 'lon' => $coordinate->lon]); } public function getAddressForGeolocation(): ?Address { return new Address($this->address, $this->zip, $this->location); } public function destroyCoordinate(): void { $this->updateQuietly([ 'lat' => null, 'lon' => null, ]); } public function needsGeolocationUpdate(): bool { return $this->getOriginal('address') !== $this->address || $this->getOriginal('zip') !== $this->zip || $this->getOriginal('location') !== $this->location; } // --------------------------------- Searching --------------------------------- // ***************************************************************************** /** * Get the indexable data array for the model. * * @return array<string, mixed> */ public function toSearchableArray() { return [ 'address' => $this->fullAddress, 'fullname' => $this->fullname, 'firstname' => $this->firstname, 'lastname' => $this->lastname, 'birthday' => $this->birthday?->format('Y-m-d'), 'ausstand' => $this->getAusstand(), 'bill_kind' => $this->bill_kind?->value, 'group_id' => $this->group->id, 'group_name' => $this->group->inner_name ?: $this->group->name, 'links' => [ 'show' => route('member.show', ['member' => $this]), 'edit' => route('member.edit', ['member' => $this]), ], 'age_group_icon' => $this->ageGroupMemberships->first()?->subactivity->slug, 'is_leader' => $this->leaderMemberships()->count() > 0, 'memberships' => $this->memberships()->active()->get() ->map(fn ($membership) => [...$membership->only('activity_id', 'subactivity_id'), 'both' => $membership->activity_id . '|' . $membership->subactivity_id, 'with_group' => $membership->group_id . '|' . $membership->activity_id . '|' . $membership->subactivity_id]), ]; } }