
use App\Lib\Editor\EditorData;
use App\Lib\Editor\EditorDataSettingsCast;

return [

     * Each settings class used in your application must be registered, you can
     * put them (manually) here.
    'settings' => [],

     * In these directories settings migrations will be stored and ran when migrating. A settings
     * migration created via the make:settings-migration command will be stored in the first path or
     * a custom defined path when running the command.
    'migrations_paths' => [

     * When no repository was set for a settings class the following repository
     * will be used for loading and saving settings.
    'default_repository' => 'database',

     * Settings will be stored and loaded from these repositories.
    'repositories' => [
        'database' => [
            'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\DatabaseSettingsRepository::class,
            'model' => null,
            'table' => null,
            'connection' => null,
        'redis' => [
            'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\RedisSettingsRepository::class,
            'connection' => null,
            'prefix' => null,

     * The contents of settings classes can be cached through your application,
     * settings will be stored within a provided Laravel store and can have an
     * additional prefix.
    'cache' => [
        'enabled' => env('SETTINGS_CACHE_ENABLED', false),
        'store' => null,
        'prefix' => null,

     * These global casts will be automatically used whenever a property within
     * your settings class isn't a default PHP type.
    'global_casts' => [
        DateTimeInterface::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DateTimeInterfaceCast::class,
        DateTimeZone::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DateTimeZoneCast::class,
        Spatie\LaravelData\Data::class => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsCasts\DataCast::class,

     * The package will look for settings in these paths and automatically
     * register them.
    'auto_discover_settings' => [

     * Automatically discovered settings classes can be cached so they don't
     * need to be searched each time the application boots up.
    'discovered_settings_cache_path' => storage_path('app/laravel-settings'),