Mod member test

This commit is contained in:
philipp lang 2022-02-10 23:19:31 +01:00
parent 7b5fc2efcc
commit f37c003ffc
3 changed files with 129 additions and 118 deletions

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@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ namespace Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Tests;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Tests\Stub\Member;
use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Providers\NamiServiceProvider;
use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Cookies\Cookie;
use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Cookies\FakeCookie;
use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Providers\NamiServiceProvider;
use Zoomyboy\LaravelNami\Tests\Stub\Member;
class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
@ -43,8 +43,10 @@ class TestCase extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase
public function fakeJson($file) {
return file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/json/'.$file);
public function fakeJson(string $file, array $data = []): string {
return ob_get_clean();
public function fakeGenders() {

View File

@ -17,32 +17,40 @@ class PullMemberTest extends TestCase
public function dataProvider(): array {
return [
'firstname' => ['firstname', ['Max', 'Jane']],
'lastname' => ['lastname', ['Nach1', 'Nach2']],
'nickname' => ['nickname', ['spitz1', null]],
'other_country' => ['other_country', ['deutsch', null]],
'address' => ['address', ['straße 1', 'straße 2']],
'further_address' => ['further_address', ['addrz', null]],
'zip' => ['zip', ['12345', '5555']],
'location' => ['location', ['SG', 'Köln']],
'main_phone' => ['main_phone', ['+49888', '+49668']],
'mobile_phone' => ['mobile_phone', ['+49176', '+49172']],
'work_phone' => ['work_phone', ['+11111', '+22222']],
'fax' => ['fax', ['+55111', '+55222']],
'email' => ['email', ['', '']],
'email_parents' => ['email_parents', ['', '']],
'gender_id' => ['gender_id', [19, null]],
'nationality_id' => ['nationality_id', [1054, null]],
'confession_id' => ['confession_id', [1, null]],
'birthday' => ['birthday', ['1991-06-20', '1984-01-17']],
'joined_at' => ['joined_at', ['2005-05-01', null]],
'group_id' => ['group_id', [103, 103]],
'mitgliedsnr' => ['mitgliedsnr', [12345, null]],
'updated_at' => ['updated_at', ['2020-06-28 02:15:24', '2015-02-03 15:20:07']],
'send_newspaper' => ['send_newspaper', [true, false]],
'region_id' => ['region_id', [10, null]],
'country_id' => ['country_id', [100, 101]],
'fee_id' => ['fee_id', [1, 15]],
'firstname' => [ ['vorname' => 'Max'], ['firstname' => 'Max' ] ],
'lastname' => [ ['nachname' => 'Nach'], ['lastname' => 'Nach' ] ],
'nickname' => [ ['spitzname' => 'spitz1'], ['nickname' => 'spitz1'] ],
'nicknameEmpty' => [ ['spitzname' => null], ['nickname' => null] ],
'other_country' => [ ['staatsangehoerigkeitText' => 'deutsch'], ['other_country' => 'deutsch'] ],
'other_countryEmpty' => [ ['staatsangehoerigkeitText' => ''], ['other_country' => null] ],
'address' => [ ['strasse' => 'Straße 1'], ['address' => 'Straße 1'] ],
'further_address' => [ ['nameZusatz' => 'addrz'], ['further_address' => 'addrz'] ],
'further_addressEmpty' => [ ['nameZusatz' => ''], ['further_address' => null] ],
'zip' => [ ['plz' => '12345'], ['zip' => '12345'] ],
'location' => [ ['ort' => 'Köln'], ['location' => 'Köln'] ],
'main_phone' => [ ['telefon1' => '+49888'], ['main_phone' => '+49888'] ],
'mobile_phone' => [ ['telefon2' => '+49176'], ['mobile_phone' => '+49176'] ],
'work_phone' => [ ['telefon3' => '+49177'], ['work_phone' => '+49177'] ],
'fax' => [ ['telefax' => '+55111'], ['fax' => '+55111'] ],
'email' => [ ['email' => ''], ['email' => ''] ],
'email_parents' => [ ['emailVertretungsberechtigter' => ''], ['email_parents' => ''] ],
'gender_id' => [ ['geschlechtId' => 19], ['gender_id' => 19] ],
'gender_idEmpty' => [ ['geschlechtId' => 23], ['gender_id' => null] ],
'nationality_id' => [ ['staatsangehoerigkeitId' => 1054], ['nationality_id' => 1054] ],
'nationality_idEmpty' => [ ['staatsangehoerigkeitId' => null], ['nationality_id' => null] ],
'confession_id' => [ ['konfessionId' => 1], ['confession_id' => 1] ],
'confession_idEmpty' => [ ['konfessionId' => null], ['confession_id' => null] ],
'birthday' => [ ['geburtsDatum' => "1991-06-20 00:00:00"], ['birthday' => "1991-06-20"] ],
'joined_at' => [ ['eintrittsdatum' => "2005-05-01 00:00:00"], ['joined_at' => "2005-05-01"] ],
'group_id' => [ ['gruppierungId' => 103], ['group_id' => 103] ],
'mitgliedsnr' => [ ['mitgliedsNummer' => 12345], ['mitgliedsnr' => 12345] ],
'mitgliedsnrEmpty' => [ ['mitgliedsNummer' => null], ['mitgliedsnr' => null] ],
'updated_at' => [ ['lastUpdated' => "2020-06-28 02:15:24"], ['updated_at' => '2020-06-28 02:15:24'] ],
'send_newspaper' => [ ['zeitschriftenversand' => true], ['send_newspaper' => true] ],
'region_id' => [ ['regionId' => 10], ['region_id' => 10] ],
'region_idEmpty' => [ ['regionId' => null], ['region_id' => null] ],
'country_id' => [ ['landId' => 100], ['country_id' => 100] ],
'fee_id' => [ ['beitragsartId' => 1], ['fee_id' => 1] ],
@ -76,48 +84,43 @@ class PullMemberTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider dataProvider
public function test_get_a_single_member(string $key, array $values): void
public function test_get_a_single_member(array $input, array $check): void
Http::fake(array_merge($this->login(), [
'' => Http::response($this->groupsResponse, 200),
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member-16.json'), 200),
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member-17.json'), 200)
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member-16.json', ['data' => $input]), 200),
$group = Nami::group(103);
$this->assertSame($values[0], $group->member(16)->toArray()[$key]);
$this->assertSame($values[1], $group->member(17)->toArray()[$key]);
foreach ($check as $key => $value) {
$this->assertSame($value, $group->member(16)->toArray()[$key]);
* @dataProvider dataProvider
public function test_get_attribute_of_member_collection(string $key, array $values): void
public function test_get_attribute_of_member_collection(array $input, array $check): void
Http::fake(array_merge($this->login(), [
'' => Http::response($this->groupsResponse, 200),
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member_overview.json'), 200),
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member-16.json'), 200),
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member-17.json'), 200)
'' => Http::response($this->fakeJson('member-16.json', ['data' => $input]), 200),
$members = Nami::group(103)->members();
foreach ($members as $i => $m) {
$this->assertSame($values[$i], $m->toArray()[$key]);
$member = Nami::group(103)->members()->first();
foreach ($check as $key => $value) {
$this->assertSame($value, $member->toArray()[$key]);

View File

@ -1,75 +1,81 @@
<?php $json = json_decode('{
"jungpfadfinder": null,
"mglType": "Mitglied",
"geschlecht": "männlich",
"staatsangehoerigkeit": "deutsch",
"ersteTaetigkeitId": null,
"ersteUntergliederung": "Wölfling",
"emailVertretungsberechtigter": "",
"lastUpdated": "2020-06-28 02:15:24",
"ersteTaetigkeit": null,
"nameZusatz": "addrz",
"id": 16,
"staatsangehoerigkeitId": 1054,
"version": 58,
"sonst01": false,
"sonst02": false,
"spitzname": "spitz1",
"landId": 100,
"staatsangehoerigkeitText": "deutsch",
"gruppierungId": 103,
"mglTypeId": "MITGLIED",
"beitragsart": "Voller Beitrag",
"nachname": "Nach1",
"eintrittsdatum": "2005-05-01 00:00:00",
"rover": null,
"region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland)",
"status": "Aktiv",
"konfession": null,
"fixBeitrag": null,
"konfessionId": 1,
"zeitschriftenversand": true,
"pfadfinder": null,
"telefon3": "+11111",
"id": null,
"institut": null,
"bankleitzahl": null,
"kontonummer": null,
"iban": null,
"bic": null,
"kontoinhaber": null,
"mitgliedsNummer": null,
"zahlungsKonditionId": null,
"zahlungsKondition": null
"geschlechtId": 19,
"land": "Deutschland",
"email": "",
"telefon1": "+49888",
"woelfling": null,
"telefon2": "+49176",
"strasse": "straße 1",
"vorname": "Max",
"mitgliedsNummer": 12345,
"gruppierung": "Solingen-Wald, Silva 100105",
"austrittsDatum": "",
"ort": "SG",
"ersteUntergliederungId": null,
"wiederverwendenFlag": false,
"regionId": 10,
"geburtsDatum": "1991-06-20 00:00:00",
"stufe": "Wölfling",
"genericField1": "",
"genericField2": "",
"telefax": "+55111",
"beitragsartId": 1,
"plz": "12345"
}', true);
if (data_get($data, 'data')) {
$json = array_merge($json, data_get($data, 'data'));
"success": true,
"jungpfadfinder": null,
"mglType": "Mitglied",
"geschlecht": "männlich",
"staatsangehoerigkeit": "deutsch",
"ersteTaetigkeitId": null,
"ersteUntergliederung": "Wölfling",
"emailVertretungsberechtigter": "",
"lastUpdated": "2020-06-28 02:15:24",
"ersteTaetigkeit": null,
"nameZusatz": "addrz",
"id": 16,
"staatsangehoerigkeitId": 1054,
"version": 58,
"sonst01": false,
"sonst02": false,
"spitzname": "spitz1",
"landId": 100,
"staatsangehoerigkeitText": "deutsch",
"gruppierungId": 103,
"mglTypeId": "MITGLIED",
"beitragsart": "Voller Beitrag",
"nachname": "Nach1",
"eintrittsdatum": "2005-05-01 00:00:00",
"rover": null,
"region": "Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland)",
"status": "Aktiv",
"konfession": null,
"fixBeitrag": null,
"konfessionId": 1,
"zeitschriftenversand": true,
"pfadfinder": null,
"telefon3": "+11111",
"id": null,
"institut": null,
"bankleitzahl": null,
"kontonummer": null,
"iban": null,
"bic": null,
"kontoinhaber": null,
"mitgliedsNummer": null,
"zahlungsKonditionId": null,
"zahlungsKondition": null
"geschlechtId": 19,
"land": "Deutschland",
"email": "",
"telefon1": "+49888",
"woelfling": null,
"telefon2": "+49176",
"strasse": "straße 1",
"vorname": "Max",
"mitgliedsNummer": 12345,
"gruppierung": "Solingen-Wald, Silva 100105",
"austrittsDatum": "",
"ort": "SG",
"ersteUntergliederungId": null,
"wiederverwendenFlag": false,
"regionId": 10,
"geburtsDatum": "1991-06-20 00:00:00",
"stufe": "Wölfling",
"genericField1": "",
"genericField2": "",
"telefax": "+55111",
"beitragsartId": 1,
"plz": "12345"
"data": <?php echo json_encode($json) ?>,
"responseType": null,
"message": null,
"title": null