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2022-05-15 12:04:01 +02:00
\tikzset{outer/.style={remember picture,show background rectangle,tight background,background rectangle/.style={draw,ultra thick}}}
\newcommand{\checkbox}[1]{\tikz[label distance=0.2cm]{\node[label={east:\large{#1}},draw,very thick,rectangle,text height=0.5cm,text width=0.5cm,inner sep=0cm] at (0,0) {};}}
\newcommand{\emptycheckbox}{\tikz{\node[text height=0.5cm,text width=0.5cm,inner sep=0cm] at (0,0) {};}}
\begin{document} \sffamily
\node[anchor=north west,align=center,text width=27cm] (header) at (0,0) {\textbf{TEILNEHMER - / INNENLISTE}};
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\checkbox{Jugendbildungsmaßnahme} & \checkbox{Gruppenleiter/innenschulung} & \checkbox{Ferienkolonie} & \checkbox{Freizeitnaßnahme} \\
\checkbox{Int. Jugendbegegnung} & \checkbox{politische Jugendbildung} & \checkbox{Projekte} & \emptycheckbox \\
\node[align=left,inner sep=0cm,anchor=west] at (options-2-4.west) {\tikz{\node[draw,very thick,rectangle,text height=0.5cm,text width=0.5cm,inner sep=0cm] (checkbox) at (0,0) {}; \draw[thick] (checkbox.south east) ++(0.2cm,0) -- (checkbox.south east -| options-2-4.south east);}};
\node[anchor=north west] (org) at ($(options.south west)+(0cm,-0.5cm)$) {\large{Veranstalter:}};
\draw[thick] (org.south east -| options-2-2.south west) -- (org.south east -| options-2-4.south east) node[pos=0.02,above=0.1cm] {\LARGE{aa}};
\node[anchor=north west] (title) at ($(org.south west)+(0cm,-0.5cm)$) {\large{Titel der Maßnahme:}};
\draw[thick] (title.south east -| options-2-2.south west) -- (title.south east -| options-2-4.south east);
\node[anchor=north west] (datefrom) at ($(title.south west)+(0cm,-0.5cm)$) {\large{Datum vom:}};
\draw[thick] (datefrom.south east -| options-2-2.south west) -- ($(datefrom.south east -| options-2-2.south east) - (1,0cm)$);
\node[anchor=south west] (dateuntil) at (options-2-3.south west |- datefrom.south west) {\large{bis:}};
\draw[thick,label={east:aaa}] (dateuntil.south east) -- (datefrom.south east -| options-2-3.south east);
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% \pagebreak[4]
% \begin{tikzpicture}[outer]
% \node[align=center,text width=27cm] (header) at (0,0) {\textbf{TEILNEHMER - / INNENLISTE}};
% \matrix (options) at ($(header.south west)+(0.5cm,-1cm)$) [matrix of nodes, column sep=0cm,row sep=0.5cm,nodes in empty cells, every node/.style={inner sep=0cm,align=left,text width=6.2cm}, anchor=north west] {
% \checkbox{Jugendbildungsmaßnahme} & \checkbox{Gruppenleiter/innenschulung} & \checkbox{Ferienkolonie} & \checkbox{Freizeitnaßnahme} \\
% \checkbox{Int. Jugendbegegnung} & \checkbox{politische Jugendbildung} & \checkbox{Projekte} & \emptycheckbox \\
% };
% \node[align=left,inner sep=0cm,anchor=west] at (options-2-4.west) {\tikz{\node[draw,very thick,rectangle,text height=0.5cm,text width=0.5cm,inner sep=0cm] (checkbox) at (0,0) {}; \draw[thick] (checkbox.south east) ++(0.2cm,0) -- (checkbox.south east -| options-2-4.south east);}};
% \node[anchor=north west] (org) at ($(options.south west)+(0cm,-0.5cm)$) {\large{Veranstalter:}};
% \draw[thick] (org.south east -| options-2-2.south west) -- (org.south east -| options-2-4.south east) node[pos=0.02,above=0.1cm] {\LARGE{aa}};
% \node[anchor=north west] (title) at ($(org.south west)+(0cm,-0.5cm)$) {\large{Titel der Maßnahme:}};
% \draw[thick] (title.south east -| options-2-2.south west) -- (title.south east -| options-2-4.south east);
% \node[anchor=north west] (datefrom) at ($(title.south west)+(0cm,-0.5cm)$) {\large{Datum vom:}};
% \draw[thick] (datefrom.south east -| options-2-2.south west) -- ($(datefrom.south east -| options-2-2.south east) - (1,0cm)$);
% \node[anchor=south west] (dateuntil) at (options-2-3.south west |- datefrom.south west) {\large{bis:}};
% \draw[thick,label={east:aaa}] (dateuntil.south east) -- (datefrom.south east -| options-2-3.south east);
% \fill[yellow] (0,0) rectangle ($(current page.east) + (0,-1cm)$);
% \draw (datefrom.south) -- ++(2cm,-2cm);
% \end{tikzpicture}